Thursday, 10 December 2015

How to Make Money with Facebook

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How-to-Earn-Money-on-Facebook, How-to-Make-Money-on-Facebook-Pages, Make-Money-with-Facebook, Make-Money-on-Facebook, How-to-Make-Money-with-Facebook, Make-Money-Online,

Over billion people is using Facebook. Because from Facebook thousands from people is making huge money from the facebook. Most of the users accept facebook fan pages and they're still not sure how to make money with facebook. I share with you some tips about facebook earning 

Making money with facebook fan page are easy and very sustainable. Then how much money I'll make by my fan page? Well it really depends with how big are the fan page. Read the steps below to start make money with facebook fan page now.

1:- Create a Fan page if you do not already have it. So you do not have an fan page yet? well you'll need to make one now for we are talking about making money from facebook fan page. Create a fanpage about whatever you are interested in like fishing or funny page or traveling etc.

2:- Writing a good content. Write good content with your fan page and engage as a lot of as users possible. Once your page beginnings getting good response and good amount from likes you can move to the next step.

3:- Create an Website Related to Fanpage. Now make a website related to your fanpage topic if you could afford everything. 
  You can make free websites as well.
        Add contents to website or post on your facebook page to get more visitors to your site.
           Add ads to make money and be sure your site looks decent and not copied.

4:- Sell Fanpage posts. So you've an big facebook fan page just still not sure how to make money by it. Selling posts with your fan page is the easiest way to make income apparently.
        Sign up  with and be sure you have minimum 1000 likes with your fan page.

           Add your fan page to ShopSomething and confirm you are the owner from the page.
           Set a price per post as your page. Now these are important be sure you set the cost correctly because No one would buy posts with your page if the cost is too high.

       So if you like this article to how to make money with facebook then share this with your friends who want to make money online and if you have better idea from me to make money online then share with us Keep calm and earn money.
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